Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Sandra Dewi

Monica Nicholle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri (lahir di Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 8 Agustus 1983; umur 25 tahun) yang lebih terkenal dengan Sandra Dewi adalah aktris Indonesia. Namanya melejit sejak bermain dalam film layar lebar Quickie Express bersama dengan Tora Sudiro dan Aming. Kemudian namanya semakin dikenal oleh masyarakat dengan berperan dalam sinetron Cinta Indah.

Awalnya, gadis berdarah Palembang, Tionghoa, Sunda, dan Belanda itu hijrah ke Jakarta tahun 2001 untuk melanjutkan kuliah di London School Of Public Relations. Sulung tiga bersaudara pasangan Andreas Gunawan Basri dan Chatarina Erliani ini mengawali karirnya melalui pemilihan Miss Enchanteur 2002 dan duta pariwisata Jakarta Barat. Namun Sandra kemudian memilih fokus melanjutkan kuliahnya. Sandra yang suka makan ular dan monyet ini mulai terjun ke dunia hiburan saat mengikuti Fun Fearless Female Majalah Cosmopolitan 2006. Dalam ajang tersebut, Sandra meraih juara dua. Kemenangan itu menjadi batu loncatan bagi Sandra, setelah salah satu juri ajang tersebut, Nia Dinata menawarinya untuk casting. Sandra lolos casting untuk peran Lila, dokter cantik dan pintar di film Quickie Express (2007). Nama Sandra kemudian semakin terkenal berkat perannya di sinetron kejar tayang Cinta Indah. Sandra Dewi bersama Dewi Sandra dan Luna Maya menyanyikan lagu yang berjudul "Play" dalam rangka menyambut Euro 2008.

Dari akting dan dunia tarik suara, Sandra mulai merambah dunia presenter. Bersama presenter kocak, Desta bintang film Tarzan Ke Kota ini didapuk menjadi presenter acara musik Derings yang tayang di stasiun TRANS TV.

Julia Perez

Julia Perez, atau sering disingkat Jupe (lahir 15 Juni 1980; umur 29 tahun; terlahir dengan nama Yuli Rachmawati) adalah penyanyi dangdut, model, pemain sinetron dan presenter Indonesia. Ia seringkali berpenampilan dan berfoto seksi dan dijuluki "bom seks". Ia memulai karirnya di Perancis. Perkenalannya dengan model pria Damien Perez (Yusuf Perez) yang kemudian menjadi suaminya membuka kesempatan awal dirinya tampil sebagai model majalah FHM dan Maxim di Perancis. Dengan penampilannya dalam FHM dan Maxim, Jupe mendapat nominasi 100 wanita terseksi versi majalah FHM dan Maxim.

Namanya mulai dikenal setelah ia memerankan beberapa sinetron dan film layar lebar. Pada bulan April 2008, Julia Perez menyatakan terjun ke dunia dangdut. Ia lalu merilis album perdananya yang berjudul Kamasutra. Dalam album tersebut Jupe juga menyertakan kondom yang diselipkan dalam sampul albumnya. Meski Jupe menyatakan Keluarga Berencana (KB), namun banyak pihak yang menilai tindakannya tersebut adalah bentuk dukungan terhadap seks bebas. Bahkan Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Meutia Hatta menyatakan bahwa tindakan tersebut bisa diinterpretasikan sebagai dukungan terhadap seks bebas. Akibat dari penampilannya yang seksi serta album Kamasutra yang berbonus kondom, ia banyak dicekal di Indonesia, seperti di Nusa Tenggara Barat, Riau, Palembang, Balikpapan dan Bengkulu.

Dewi Perssik

Dewi Perssik yang mempunyai nama asli Dewi Murya Agung (lahir di Jember, Jawa Timur, 18 Desember 1985; umur 23 tahun) adalah seorang penyanyi dangdut Indonesia. Putri pasangan H. Moch Aidil (ayah) dan Hj. Sri Muna (ibu) ini mengaku mempunyai keturunan Tionghoa dari neneknya.

Dewi dikenal karena tembang Bintang Pentas. Nama Persik sendiri diberikan oleh manajernya, Pak Yogi, agar karirnya bersinar seperti buah persik yang di Cina dianggap sebagai buah pembawa keberuntungan. Sinetron yang pernah dibintangi Dewi antara lain Mimpi Manis dan Legenda eps. Nyi Ronggeng. Namun karir Dewi tak selalu mulus. Dewi yang terkenal dengan goyang gergajinya mulai mendapat kritikan atas aksi panggungnya yang seronok, serta pakaiannya yang minim dan ketat. Puncaknya adalah saat Dewi usai mengisi sebuah acara ulang tahun TPI yang digelar di Istora Senayan, 23 Januari 2008. Dada Dewi tiba-tiba diraba oleh seorang laki-laki. Saat itu Dewi mengenakan tank top warna putih dengan strip hitam. Sebelum menyentuh payudara Dewi, laki-laki tersebut iseng mencuri-curi gambar payudara Dewi dengan kamera handphone saat pedangdut seksi ini sibuk diwawancarai. Kejadian payudara Dewi yang menjadi konsumsi umum bukan baru pertama terjadi. Pada tahun 2005, gara-gara bergoyang terlalu 'hot' di sebuah acara SCTV, buah dada Dewi ikut menyembul. Kejadian itu hanya berlangsung beberapa detik.

Tahun 2008 juga menjadi tahun "pencekalan" bagi Dewi. Pemerintah daerah yang pertama mencekal penampilan Dewi di daerahnya adalah Pemerintah Kota Tangerang. Pecekalan tersebut dimaksudkan guna menghindari kerawanan sosial dan berkaitan dengan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) No. 8 Tahun 2005 tentang pelarangan pelacuran di daerah itu. Menyusul Tangerang, Walikota Bandung juga menyatakan mencekal Dewi Persik dan juga artis-artis yang goyangannya keterlaluan (mengundang syahwat). Kemudian beberapa pemerintah daerah lain mengikuti seperti, Walikota Depok, MUI Sumatera Selatan, Bupati Sukabumi, Bupati Probolinggo, dan Walikota Balikpapan.

Sayangnya, komentar Dewi seputar pencekalannya justru malah memperkeruh suasana. Dewi menganggap pencekalan tersebut mengekang kebebasannya dan hal itu adalah bagian dari pembunuhan karakter dan fitnah terhadap dirinya. Bahkan saat itu Dewi Persik menyampaikan 'tantangannya' untuk menuntut orang-orang yang memfitnahnya itu ke meja hukum. Tak hanya itu, Dewi bahkan melontarkan kalimat bernada 'ancaman' kepada Walikota Tangerang. Kontroversi pencekalan yang berlangsung selama berhari-hari di media mendapat perhatian dari Menpora Adhiyaksa Dault dan Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Meuthia Hatta. Bahkan Menpora pun menelepon Dewi untuk meminta dia introspeksi diri. Tak berapa lama, Dewi mengaku bersalah dan khilaf, meski dirinya tetap tidak akan mengubah goyangan erotisnya.

Tak hanya penampilan panggung Dewi yang menuai kontroversi, film perdananya, Tali Pocong Perawan juga dianggap terlalu mengumbar aurat dan mengarah ke pornografi. Namun Dewi berdalih bahwa semua itu ujung-ujungnya duit.

Setelah berpisah dengan Saipul, mereka memerankan sepasang suami istri dalam film "Setan Budeg" produksi Maxima Pictures.

Link: Dewi Perssik "Wet Pose"

Update Status FB Gratis Pake TRI, Mau???

Kejadian ini bermula ketika secara tak sengaja aku berpapasan dengan tukang Mie Ayam keliling yang biasa beredar di depan rumah.
Siang itu, kulihat dia tengah berasyik masyuk di pinggir jalan, cekikikan sambil melihat sesuatu yang ada di tangannya. Bahkan saking asiknya, gerobak mie ayam itu ditinggalkannya begitu saja, seakan mengundang pemulung jail untuk mengangkutnya.

Karena penasaran, diriku pun bertanya "Mas Jason (panggil saja demikian, karena dia sering dipanggil Son ama pelanggannya "Son.. mie ayamnya siji maning sooon.."), sedang apa kok asik
bener di pojokan?" tanyaku.

"Eh mas ganteng...( satu hal yang aku suka dari Jason adalah : Orangnya
suka bicara Jujur!), ini mas, lagi update status!!..."


"Weehhh... njenengan fesbukan juga to??" tanyaku heran
"Ya iyalah mas... hareee geneee ga fesbukan?!... Lagian kan lumayan juga buat menjaring pelanggan lewat fesbuk, kata pak Hermawan Kertajaya kan dalam berdagang kita harus selalu melakukan diferensiasi termasuk dalam hal pemasaran mass.. "

GLEK!! kalah gw!

Gw yang sering naik Kereta ke jawa aja gak tau kalo ada yg namanya Hermawan Kereta Jaya

"Emang mas statusnya apa?" tanyaku penasaran.

"Nih mas aku bacain : Promo Mie Ayam, beli dua gratis satu mangkok, beli tiga gratis nambah kuah, beli empat gratis timbang badan... takutnya anda obesitas... segera saya tunggu di gang Jengkol, depan tengkulak Beras Mpok Hepi. Mie Ayam Jason : Melayani dengan Hati... ampela, usus dan jeroan ayam


Dua kosong untuk mas jason...
Gw yg uda lama fesbukan aja ga bisa bikin status se atraktif dia..

Tapi ada yg aneh pas kulirik ke henpon yang dia pake aku kira henponnya blekberi atau minimal nokia seri baru yang uda bisa pake internetan ..

Selidik punya selidik, ternyataa... henponnya lawas bin jadul... HP yang masih monokrom, suara belum poliponik, dan masih pake antena luar kayak radio AM "mas, tapi kok bisa update fesbuk pake henpon sederhana gitu? (bahasa halusnya henpon lawas) Gimana caranya??

"Owwh.. gampang mas, saya tinggal nulis statusnya lewat SMS lalu kirim ke Tri? jawab dia datar

"Ohh.. mas nya pake Kartu Three ya? Yang gratis internetan itu?"

" Bukaaaan mas, Tri itu lengkapnya Tri Ambarwati...
Dia itu pacar saya, sama-sama dari Tegal, yang kerjaannya jagain Warnet 24 Jam! Jadi kalo butuh update, tinggal sms dia aja nanti dia yang gantiin status saya, Lha wong dia tiap hari di
depan komputer jagain warnet. Paling sebagai balesannya saya gratisin mie ayam seminggu sekali... murah to..."

Mendadak kepalaku pusing Bagaikan menderita dehidrasi akut sekaligus hipotermia tingkat tiga, aku limbung mendengar jawaban spektakuler dari mas jason...

"lho mas.. mas... jadi beli mie ayam ndak...kepriben iki?"


Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Linus Torvalds

Linus Benedict Torvalds (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈliːnɵs ˈtuːrvalds] ( listen); born December 28, 1969 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finland-Swedish software engineer best known for having initiated the development of the Linux kernel. He later became the chief architect of the Linux kernel, and now acts as the project's coordinator.

Linus Torvalds was born in Helsinki, Finland, the son of journalists Anna and Nils Torvalds, and the grandson of poet Ole Torvalds. His family belongs to the Swedish-speaking minority (5.5%) of Finland's population. Torvalds was named after Linus Pauling, the American Nobel Prize-winning chemist, although in the book Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution, Torvalds is quoted as saying, "I think I was named equally for Linus the Peanuts cartoon character," noting that this makes him half "Nobel-prize-winning chemist" and half "blanket-carrying cartoon character". Both of his parents were campus radicals at the University of Helsinki in the 1960s.

Torvalds attended the University of Helsinki from 1988 to 1996, graduating with a master's degree in computer science. His M.Sc. thesis was titled Linux: A Portable Operating System. His academic career was interrupted after completing his first year of study when he joined the Finnish Army, selecting the 11-month officer training program, thus fulfilling the mandatory military service of Finland. In the army he held the rank of second lieutenant, with the role of fire controller, calculating positions of guns, targets, and trajectories, finally telling the guns where to shoot. In 1990, he resumed his university studies, and was exposed to UNIX for the first time, in the form of a DEC MicroVAX running ULTRIX.

His interest in computers began with a Commodore VIC-20. After the VIC-20 he purchased a Sinclair QL which he modified extensively, especially its operating system. He programmed an assembly language and a text editor for the QL, as well as a few games. He is known to have written a Pac-Man clone named Cool Man. On January 2, 1991 he purchased an Intel 80386-based IBM PC and spent a month playing the game Prince of Persia before receiving his MINIX copy which in turn enabled him to begin his work on Linux.

Linus Torvalds is married to Tove Torvalds (née Monni) — a six-time Finnish national karate champion — whom he first met in the autumn of 1993. Torvalds was running introductory computer laboratory exercises for students and instructed the course attendants to send him an e-mail as a test, to which Tove responded with an e-mail asking for a date. Tove and Linus were later married and have three daughters, Patricia, Daniela, and Celeste.

After a visit to Transmeta in late 1996, he accepted a position at the company in California, where he would work from February 1997 through June 2003. He then moved to the Open Source Development Labs, which has since merged with the Free Standards Group to become the Linux Foundation, under whose auspices he continues to work. In June 2004, Torvalds and his family moved to Portland, Oregon to be closer to the OSDL's Beaverton, Oregon-based headquarters.

From 1997 to 1999 he was involved in 86open helping to choose the standard binary format for Linux and Unix.

Red Hat and VA Linux, both leading developers of Linux-based software, presented Torvalds with stock options in gratitude for his creation. In 1999, both companies went public and Torvalds' net worth shot up to roughly $20 million.

His personal mascot is a penguin nicknamed Tux, which has been widely adopted by the Linux community as the mascot of the Linux kernel.

Although Torvalds believes that "open source is the only right way to do software", he also has said that he uses the "best tool for the job", even if that includes proprietary software. He has been criticized for his use and alleged advocacy of the proprietary BitKeeper software for version control in the Linux kernel. However, Torvalds has since written a free-software replacement for BitKeeper called Git. Torvalds has commented on official GNOME developmental mailing lists that, in terms of desktop environments, he encourages users to switch to KDE. However, Torvalds thought KDE 4.0 was a "disaster" because of its lack of maturity, so he switched temporarily to GNOME.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Lynne Banks (born December 4, 1973) is an American media personality, actress, occasional singer, former model and businesswoman. She first became famous as a model in Paris, Milan, London, Tokyo and New York, but television appearances were her commercial breakthrough. Banks is the creator and host of the UPN/The CW reality television show America's Next Top Model and is co-creator of True Beauty. She also hosts her own talk show, The Tyra Banks Show.

In 2009 she was honored by Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) with the Excellence in Media Award.

Tyra Banks was born in Inglewood, California, the daughter of Karolyn (née London), a fashion manager and NASA photographer, and Donald Banks, a computer consultant. The couple divorced in 1980, when Banks was 6 years old. However, the relationship between her parents, and between her and her brother Devin Banks (born 1968), stayed friendly. Later, Carolyn married Clifford Johnson; she now goes by Carolyn London-Johnson. Banks attended John Burroughs Middle School and graduated in 1991 from Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles. She was accepted by colleges such as USC and UCLA for television producing.



Banks began modeling in the 11th grade. She later went to Paris, France to do some runway modeling. Within Banks' first week in Paris, designers were so entranced by her presence on the runway that she was booked for an unprecedented twenty-five shows - a record in the business for a newcomer. She has done extensive print and/or runway work for fashion/advertising giants, such as Anna Sui, Coors Light, CoverGirl, Badgley Mischka, Bill Blass, Cynthia Rowley, Chanel, Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Donna Karan, Gemma Kahng, H&M, Isaac Mizrahi, Maria Snyder, McDonald's, Aislinn Dubois Modeling Agency, Michael Kors, Milk, Nicole Miller, Nike, Inc., Oscar de la Renta, Pepsi, Perry Ellis, Randy Kemper, Richard Tyler, Rifat Ozbek, Swatch, Todd Oldham, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria's Secret and Yves Saint Laurent. She has appeared on the covers of high-fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and Elle.

Banks was the first African American woman on the covers of GQ and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. In 1997, she received the VH1 award for Supermodel of the Year. That same year, she became the first-ever African American chosen for the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog.

Banks retired from modeling in May 2005 to concentrate on her television career. She walked the runway for the final time at the 2005 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

Aside from modeling, In 1998, Banks authored a book entitled Tyra's Beauty, Inside and Out. The book was advertised as a resource for helping women to make the most out of their natural beauty.

Move into television and film

Banks' television career began on the fourth season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, in which she played lead character Will Smith's old friend Jackie Ames. She made seven appearances in the series. Other TV credits include Felicity, MADtv, Nick Cannon's Wild 'n Out (in which she was featured as a special guest host and team captain) and The Price Is Right (guest-starring as a "Barker's Beauty"). She also appeared as a guest in the animated talk show Space Ghost Coast to Coast in an episode entitled "Chinatown."

Currently, Banks can be seen on television as the hostess, judge and executive producer of The CW Television Network show America's Next Top Model. In addition, she hosts The Tyra Banks Show, a daytime talk show aimed at younger women, which premiered on September 12, 2005. The show features stories about everyday people mixed in with celebrity interviews, much like the early format of The Oprah Winfrey Show. Under the slogan "Every woman has a story...and it happened to Tyra too," Banks promotes her show using emotional flashbacks to her own childhood and adolescence. Many of the episodes deal with issues facing women today. Banks and other experts give women advice on fashion, relationships and more. The first two seasons of the show were recorded in Banks' hometown of Los Angeles but, beginning with the fall 2007 season, the show moved to New York City. In 2008, Banks won the Daytime Emmy Award for her work and production on The Tyra Banks Show.

In late-January 2008, Banks got the go-ahead from The CW Television Network to start work on a new reality television series based on fashion magazines called Stylista. The show premiered on October 22, 2008.

Banks' first big screen role came in 1994 when she co-starred in the drama Higher Learning. She went on to co-star with Lindsay Lohan in the Disney film Life-Size, playing a doll named Eve who comes to life and has to learn how to live in the real world. Other notable roles include Love Stinks (1999), Love & Basketball (2000), Coyote Ugly (2000) and Halloween: Resurrection (2002).


Banks has appeared in several music videos, including Michael Jackson's "Black or White", Tina Turner's "Love Thing", Mobb Deep's "Trife Life" and George Michael's "Too Funky" (with fellow supermodel Linda Evangelista). In 2004, she recorded her first single, "Shake Ya Body," which had a music video featuring the final six contestants on America's Next Top Model, Cycle 2. The video was world-premiered on UPN, but the single turned out to be a failure. On America's Next Top Model, Cycle 2 Banks said, "Singing has been a passion of mine for a long, long time...six years on the down low - been ducking in and out of studios cutting tracks." Later, on her talk show, she said, "I can't believe I wasted six years of doing something that I didn't finish...I was almost able to release my album T.Y.R.A., but since my music career hit rock bottom, I quit."

Though "Shake Ya Body" was a failure, record producer Rodney Jerkins told Jet magazine in 2004 that Banks "has what it takes to pull it off...she had a hungriness to want to be in the studio all the time. Some people want to be divas in the studio and work for three or four hours. You had to tell Tyra to stop, or she will keep you going." As for her voice, Jerkins said, "People will be shocked. She can really sing. She's like between soprano and high-alto. I challenged her vocally. I pushed her, but not too far. I pushed her where vocally it fit the track."

Banks released a single with NBA player Kobe Bryant, entitled "K.O.B.E.," which was performed on NBA TV. She also has a single on the soundtrack to Disney Channel's Original Movie Life-Size called "Be A Star." She is credited with performing the theme song to America's Next Top Model.

Personal life

She devoted an entire show to the subject of "Professional Athletes and the Women Who Love Them" on her talk show in November 2006. She is also the godmother of Ming Lee and Aoki Lee Simmons and Kenzo Lee Hounsou, the children of her friend, Kimora Lee Simmons.

Monica Bellucci

Bellucci was born in Città di Castello, Umbria, Italy, the daughter of Maria Gustinelli, a painter, and Luigi Bellucci, who owned a trucking company. Bellucci started modelling at 16, when she was attending the Liceo classico. Initially pursuing a career as a lawyer, Bellucci modeled to pay her tuition at the University of Perugia, but the lifestyle tempted her away from her law studies. She speaks Italian, French, and English fluently, Spanish semi-fluently, and she has had speaking roles in each of these languages as well as in Aramaic for her part as Mary Magdalene in The Passion of the Christ.

Bellucci is married to fellow actor Vincent Cassel, with whom she has appeared in several films, and has a daughter named Deva (born 12 September 2004). In 2004, while pregnant with her daughter, Bellucci posed nude for the Italian Vanity Fair Magazine in protest against Italian laws that prevent the use of donor sperm.

In 1988, Bellucci moved to one of Europe's fashion centers, Milan, where she signed with Elite Model Management. By 1989, she was becoming prominent as a fashion model in Paris and across the Atlantic, in New York City. She posed for Dolce & Gabbana and French ELLE, among others. In that year, Bellucci made the transition to acting and began taking acting classes. The February 2001 Esquire Magazine's feature on Desire featured Ms. Bellucci on the cover and in an article on the five senses. In 2003, she was featured in Maxim. In 2004, she topped AskMen's 100 Most Beautiful Women in the World annual list. Bellucci's modelling career is managed by Elite+ in NYC. She is considered an Italian sex symbol. She is currently a face of a range of Dior Cosmetics. Bellucci is also signed to Storm Model Management in London.


Bellucci's film career began in the early 1990s. In 1992, she made her first appearance in a major English-language film as one of Dracula's brides in Bram Stoker's Dracula. She became known and popular with worldwide audiences following her roles in Malèna, Brotherhood of the Wolf and Irréversible, though is perhaps best known for her role as Persephone in The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions followed by her portrayal of Mary Magdelene in The Passion of the Christ.

In a documentary about the film, The Big Question, she stated: "I am an agnostic, even though I respect and am interested in all religions. If there's something I believe in, it's a mysterious energy; the one that fills the oceans during tides, the one that unites nature and beings."

In 2003, Bellucci starred in Tears of the Sun as a doctor in Nigeria being rescued by the U.S., and in 2005 in the fantasy film The Brothers Grimm as a beautiful evil queen. Her latest films are The Stone Council, directed by the Frenchman Guillaume Nicloux (2006) and Manuale d'amore 2 (2007) where she portrays a physiotherapist who is the object of the desire of her patient. She was supposed to be seen portraying Indian politician Sonia Gandhi in the biopic Sonia, originally planned for release in 2007 but now shelved. September 2007 saw the release of Shoot 'Em Up, where she plays a prostitute opposite Clive Owen. She dubbed her own voice for the French and Italian releases of the film.

She filmed Le Deuxième souffle with Daniel Auteuil, Michel Blanc and Eric Cantona (2006).

Bellucci also voiced Kaileena in the video game Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, and the French voice of Cappy for the French version of the 2005 animated movie Robots.

In 2007, she appeared in Heartango, a movie for Intimissimi, with José Fidalgo and directed by Gabriele Muccino.

In 2003, Bellucci won the Nastro d'Argento Best Supporting Actress award for her portrayal of Alessia in Remember Me, My Love. She has been nominated for several others, including the 1996 César Award for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of Lisa in L'Appartement.

Olga Kurylenko

Olga Kostyantynivna Kurylenko (Ukrainian: Ольга Костянтинівна Куриленко; born November 14, 1979) is a Ukrainian model and actress. She is perhaps best known as the Bond girl in the 22nd James Bond film, Quantum of Solace and for portraying the character of Nika Boronina in the movie adaptation of the video game Hitman. She became a French citizen in 2001.

Olga Kurylenko was born in Berdyansk, Ukraine. Her father, Kostyantyn Kurylenko, is Ukrainian. Her mother, Marina Alyabusheva, an art teacher of Russian and Belarusian descent, was born in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia.

Her childhood was a poor one; she shared an apartment with her aunt and uncle, grandparents and cousin. She never had any fancy clothes, often wearing hand-me-downs and re-sewing torn sweaters instead of buying new ones. Her discovery led to a drastic change in lifestyle, "I couldn't have anything, basically. I couldn't have any clothes I wanted, shoes, beds, clothes for school - because my mum couldn't buy them [Olga, on her childhood]".

When Kurylenko was three years old her parents divorced, leaving her to be raised by her mother. Kurylenko rarely had contact with her father, meeting him for the first time when she was 8 years old, and later again when she was 13.

Kurylenko was discovered by a female model scout while on vacation in Moscow at the age of thirteen. When she was 17 she signed a contract with the Paris-based Madison modeling agency. By the age of 18 she had already appeared on the covers of Vogue and Elle. While working as a model in Paris, Kurylenko supported her mother back home in Ukraine.

She also dazzled the covers of Madame Figaro and Marie Claire.

Also, she became the face of Lejaby lingerie, Bebe clothing, Clarins and Helena Rubinstein. Furthermore, she modelled for Roberto Cavalli and KENZO, and briefly appeared in the Victoria's Secret catalog.

In 2005, Kurylenko began her film career in France. She received the certificate of excellence award at the 2006 Brooklyn International Film Festival for her performance in L'Annulaire, and also starred in the Paris, je t'aime segment Quartier de la Madeleine opposite Elijah Wood. This same year, she was selected to be the face of Kenzo's new fragrance, Kenzo Amour. She has appeared in all subsequent Kenzo Amour ads. In 2007, Kurylenko starred in Hitman alongside Timothy Olyphant in which she did a full nude scene. She played Bond girl Camille Montes in the 2008 James Bond film, Quantum of Solace. The film was released in the United States on her twenty-ninth birthday.

Kurylenko was featured on the cover of the December 2008 issue of the US edition of Maxim magazine and on the cover of the February 2009 issue of the Ukrainian edition of Maxim magazine.

The fact that she is the first Bond girl from a post-Soviet state received mixed reactions in post-Soviet countries. The Saint-Petersburg based Communist group KPLO has accused her of "moral and intellectual betrayal" in starring in a film about the "enemy of the Soviet people" (meaning James Bond), but the mayor of Berdyansk has suggested naming a street after her and Kurylenko and her mother met Ukraine's First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko in President Yushchenko's family country house.

Meraih Mimpi: Film 3D Karya Anak Bangsa

Indonesia berhasil membuat film animasi 3D pertama yang ditayangkan di layar lebar. Film yang berjudul Meraih Mimpi tersebut diproduksi Infinite Frameworks (IFW), studio animasi yang berpusat di Batam. "Kami bangga bisa meluncurkan Meraih Mimpi ke pasar Indonesia," ujar Managing Director IFW, Mike Wiluan, dalam konferensi pers yang berlangsung di Hotel Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Senin (27/7).

Film Meraih Mimpi sebenarnya merupakan adapatasi dari buku karya Minfung Ho berjudul Sing to The Dawn. Buku tersebut bercerita tentang kakak beradik yang berusaha melindungi tempat tinggal mereka dari kontraktor penipu. IFW membuat adapatasi buku Minfung Ho tersebut atas permintaan pemerintah Singapura yang ingin buku wajib baca di beberapa SD di Singapura tersebut dibuatkan filmnya. Begitu mendapat tawaran, IFW langsung memulai pengerjaan film Sing to The Dawn. Untuk diketahui dari 150 animator yang turut dalam pembuatan film tersebut hampir semuanya orang Indonesia dan hanya lima orang asing.

Pengerjaan dilakukan sepenuhnya di Batam selama tiga tahun dan memakan biaya sebesar 5 juta dolar AS. Setelah film selesai dibuat pada tahun 2008, film Sing to The Dawn mulai didistribusikan ke berbagai negara mulai dari Singapura, Korea, dan Rusia.

Sing to The Dawn tidak langsung diluncurkan ke Indonesia karena IFW ingin memperkenalkan film ini ke penonton di luar negeri terlebih dahulu. "Sing to The Dawn tidak langsung kami luncurkan ke Indonesia karena kami ingin meraih international recognizition terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu, kami baru meluncurkan di Indonesia agar masyarakat tahu bahwa ada studio animasi di Indonesia," begitu jelas Wisnu Triatmojo, Jubir IFW.

Setelah sebelumnya gagal dengan Homeland, akhirnya Sing to The Dawn baru dilokalisasi ke dalam versi Indonesia pada tahun ini dengan judul Meraih Mimpi. Nia Dinata direkrut untuk membantu proses script writing dan Erwin Gutawa diminta langsung untuk mengomposisi ulang musik yang akan mengiringi film.

Di samping itu, beberapa artis terkenal seperti Gita Gutawa, Cut Mini, dan Shanty juga terlibat sebagai pengisi suara. Film Meraih Mimpi akan mulai tayang di bioskop-bioskop pada tanggal 8-9 September 2009, dimulai dari jaringan bioskop XXI Indonesia.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009


Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of a book given to incoming students at Zuckerberg's high school alma mater, Phillips Exeter Academy. The book shows the faces and names of the school's students and faculty.

Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook with fellow computer science major students and his roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes while he was a student at Harvard University. Website membership was initially limited to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The website currently has more than 250 million active users worldwide.

Facebook has met with some controversy over the past few years. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Syria, China and Iran, although Iran later unblocked Facebook in 2009. It has also been banned at many places of work to discourage employees from wasting time using the service. Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. Facebook is also facing several lawsuits from a number of Zuckerberg's former classmates, who claim that Facebook had stolen their source code and other intellectual property.

A February 2009 Compete.com study has ranked Facebook as the most used social network by worldwide monthly active users, followed by MySpace.

The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in 1962 in London when multi-instrumentalist Brian Jones and pianist Ian Stewart were joined by vocalist Mick Jagger and guitarist Keith Richards. Bassist Bill Wyman and drummer Charlie Watts completed the early lineup. Stewart, deemed unsuitable as a teen idol, was removed from the official lineup in 1963 but continued to work with the band as road manager and keyboardist until his death in 1985.

Early in the band's history Jagger and Richards formed a songwriting partnership and gradually took over leadership of the band from the increasingly troubled and erratic Jones. At first the group recorded mainly covers of American blues and R&B songs, but since the 1966 album Aftermath, their releases have mainly featured Jagger/Richards songs. Mick Taylor replaced an incapacitated Jones shortly before Jones's death in 1969. Taylor quit in 1974, and was replaced in 1975 by Faces guitarist Ronnie Wood, who has remained with the band ever since. Wyman left the Rolling Stones in 1992; bassist Darryl Jones, who is not an official band member, has worked with the group since 1994.

First popular in the UK and Europe, The Rolling Stones came to the US during the early 1960s "British Invasion". The Rolling Stones have released 22 studio albums in the UK (24 in the US), eight concert albums (nine in the US) and numerous compilations; and have sold more than 200 million albums worldwide. Sticky Fingers (1971) began a string of eight consecutive studio albums that charted at number one in the United States. Their latest album, A Bigger Bang, was released in 2005. In 1989 The Rolling Stones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and in 2004 they were ranked number 4 in Rolling Stone magazine's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Their image of unkempt and surly youth is one that many musicians still emulate.


Madonna (born Madonna Louise Ciccone on August 16, 1958), is an American recording artist, actress and entrepreneur. Born in Bay City, Michigan and raised in Rochester Hills, Michigan, she moved to New York City in 1977, for a career in modern dance. After performing as a member of the pop musical groups Breakfast Club and Emmy, she released her self-titled debut album, Madonna in 1983 by Sire Records.

A series of hit singles from her studio albums Like a Virgin (1984) and True Blue (1986) gained her global recognition, establishing her as a pop icon for pushing the boundaries of lyrical content in mainstream popular music and imagery in her music videos, which became a fixture on MTV. She also gained recognition for her role in the film Desperately Seeking Susan (1985). Expanding on the use of religious imagery with Like a Prayer (1989), Madonna received positive critical reception for her diverse musical productions, while at the same time receiving criticism from religious conservatives and the Vatican. In 1992, Madonna founded the Maverick corporation, a joint venture between herself and Time Warner. The same year, she expanded the use of sexually explicit material in her work, beginning the release of the studio album Erotica, followed by the publishing of the coffee table book Sex, and starring in the erotic thriller Body of Evidence, all of which received negative responses from conservatives and liberals alike.

In 1996, Madonna played the starring role in the film, Evita, for which she won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy. Her single, "You Must Love Me" which was featured on the film's soundtrack album won the Academy Award and the Golden Globe for Best Original Song. Madonna's seventh studio album Ray of Light (1998) became one of her most critically acclaimed, recognized for its lyrical depth. In 2005, Madonna released Confessions on a Dance Floor, which earned the Grammy Award for Best Electronic/Dance Album. Her eleventh studio album Hard Candy (2008), became her seventh to debut at number one on the Billboard 200 albums chart. Departing from Warner Bros. Records, Madonna signed an unprecedented $120 million dollar contract with Live Nation the same year.

Madonna is ranked by the Recording Industry Association of America as the best-selling female rock artist of the twentieth century and the second top-selling female artist in the United States with sixty-three million certified albums; she has sold over two-hundred million albums worldwide. In 2007, Guinness World Records listed her as the world's most successful female recording artist of all time and she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame the following year. Considered to be one of the most influential women in contemporary music, Madonna has been known for continually reinventing her music and image and for retaining a standard of anonymity within the recording industry; she is recognized as an influence among numerous music artists.

Bill Gates Nyerah dengan Facebook

Menggunakan Facebook, menambah banyak teman di laman jejaring sosial itu merupakan sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Namun itu tidak lagi berlaku bagi Bill Gates.

Pendiri Microsoft yang juga berstatus orang terkaya di dunia itu rupanya sudah risih dengan begitu banyaknya orang yang ingin menjadi temannya di laman Facebook. Dia mengaku banyak orang yang tak dikenal yang mau menjadi friend. Akhirnya, Gates sudah tak tahan sehingga tak mau lagi mengaktifkan akun di Facebook.

Demikian curhat Gates dalam forum para pebisnis di New Delhi, India, Sabtu 25 Juli 2009. Gates mengaku pada awalnya dia tertarik bergabung masuk Facebook - laman jejaring sosial dan pertemanan yang didirkan Mark Zuckerberg pada 4 Februari 2004. Namun, Ia kewalahan menampung permintaan banyak orang yang ingin menjadi teman di Facebook. "Bayangkan, lebih dari 10.000 orang mau menjadi teman saya," tutur Gates seperti yang dikutip laman stasiun televisi NBC.

"Bagi saya itu sudah keterlaluan, akhirnya saya menyerah," lanjut Gates. Dia pun mengaku tidak begitu suka main SMS atau berlama-lama di depan layar komputer. "Saya bukan pengguna teknologi selama 24 jam penuh dan lebih suka membaca buku," tutur Gates, yang berada di India untuk menerima penghargaan atas perannya sebagai donatur lembaga amal.

Sumber: VIVAnews

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Foto Chika dari Bandung (So Sweet...!)

Foto Chika Bugil, video bokep Chika Bandung banyak dicari di internet! Kenapa si Chika begitu fenomenal sehingga setiap pria selalu mengelu-elukan Chika. Apa sih istimewanya Chika? Cantik kah dia? Manis kah dia? Beberapa hari yang lalu saya memperoleh foto Chika Bandung dari salah satu teman yang bernama jepun131. Setelah memandangi seharian penuh foto Chika ini ternyata terjawab sudah keraguan saya mengenai Chika ini.

Kucing Persia bernama Chika

Duh.. emang lucu dan menggemaskan Chika ini. Tak heran kalau orang-orang selalu mengidolakan Chika. Bagi yang mau foto Chika sedang mandi atau foto Chika telanjang yang lainnya silakan kontak saya langsung. Dengan senang hati saya akan bagikan foto si Chika yang lucu ini

Bagi yang merasa berkecil hati karena foto yang anda maksud tidak ada, saya mohon maaf yang sebesarnya.

Untuk mengobati kekecewaan anda silakan menikmati Wow... Sexy Baby! Kalau yang ini dijamin asli!

Thank's to jepun131.com nice!

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

The Final Destination (Final Destination 4) (2009)

The Final Destination (known within the franchise as Final Destination 4) is an upcoming 3-D supernatural thriller/horror film written by Eric Bress and directed by David R. Ellis, both of whom also worked on Final Destination 2. Set for an August 28, 2009 release, it is the fourth installment to the Final Destination franchise, and the first of which to be shot in HD 3-D.

On December 13, 2008, Warner Bros. released the following plot summary for the film:
On what should have been a fun-filled day at the races, Nick O'Bannon (Bobby Campo) has a horrific premonition in which a bizarre sequence of events causes multiple race cars to crash, sending flaming debris into the stands, brutally killing his friends and causing the upper deck of the stands to collapse on him. When he comes out of this grisly nightmare Nick panics, persuading his girlfriend, Lori (Shantel VanSanten), and their friends, Janet (Haley Webb) and Hunt (Nick Zano), to leave... escaping seconds before Nick's frightening vision becomes a terrible reality. Thinking they've cheated death, the group has a new lease on life, but unfortunately for Nick and Lori, it is only the beginning. As his premonitions continue and the crash survivors begin to die one-by-one — in increasingly gruesome ways — Nick must figure out how to cheat death once and for all before he, too, reaches his final destination."
The film will be released in 3-D as well as in conventional theaters on August 28, 2009.

Starring :
Bobby Campo, Shantel VanSanten, Haley Webb, Nick Zano, Krista Allen, Andrew Fiscella, Jessica Ritchie

Haley Webb

Haley Vianne Webb (born November 25, 1985) is an American actress. Haley Webb was born in Woodbridge, Virginia. She has five siblings: two younger brothers; a younger sister; and two older sisters. In 2001 she moved, with some of her family, to San Diego, California where she attended La Costa Canyon High School. While at LCCHS she was active in the theater department winning various awards for acting and dance. In 2003, while competing in the Talent America Competition, she was discovered by long time casting director/manager Gary Shaffer. Later that year she moved to Los Angeles, California, (where she currently resides) and began studying with legendary acting instructors Howard Fine and JoAnne Baron & D. W. Brown.

Haley's theater credits include: Kim in Bye Bye Birdie; Claire in Rumors; Belle in Beauty and the Beast; Idgie in Fried Green Tomatoes; Nina in The Seagull; Catherine in Proof; Diane in Ring Around the Moon; Jessica in This is Our Youth; and Nia in Fighting Words.

Haley's television credits include: Close to Home (as Danielle, 2007) and Shark (as Kayla Philby, 2006).

Haley's movie credits include: Janet in The Final Destination, Nick Stahl's Girlfriend in In Northwood and Toni in Big Game.

Krista Allen

Krista Allen (born April 5, 1971) is an American actress and model. She is best known for her roles as Billie Reed on Days of our Lives from 1996–1999, as Jenna Avid on Baywatch Hawaii from 2000–2001, and as Bridget on What About Brian from 2006–2007. Her notable film roles include Liar Liar (1997), Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) and Anger Management (2003). She also played the lead role in a series of softcore television movies inspired by the sex icon Emmanuelle.

Allen appeared on the television shows Days of our Lives (as Billie Reed, 1996-1999), Married with Children "Calendar Girl" (1996) and Baywatch Hawaii (Jenna Avid, 2000-2001). Allen has also appeared in Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Anger Management, and the Project Greenlight horror film Feast. Allen is also well known for playing a sexy virtual reality character Maitreya/Jade Blue Afterglow in an episode of The X-Files, and is remembered for her brief appearance as the "Elevator Girl" in the Jim Carrey comedy Liar Liar.

She also played the lead role in the erotic series Emmanuelle in Space (1994).

In 2002, she appeared in an episode of Friends, The One Where Joey Dates Rachel as Joey's girlfriend Mable. In 2005, she appeared in the short-lived FOX sitcom Head Cases. In both Smallville and Mutant X, Allen played a woman who could control men with her sex pheromones. In 2001, Krista guest starred in supernatural TV series Charmed as "The Oracle" for three episodes, She also appeared in Toby Keith's video "A Little Too Late", and had a small role in CSI as Kristy Hopkins, a hooker who caught the eye of Nick Stokes, in the pilot episode on October 6, 2000. She returned later in the first season as a murder victim.

In 2005, she was one of the stars of HBO's Unscripted, playing herself as an actress who struggles to overcome her sex symbol status in order to win more serious roles. Allen is featured in Maxim magazine's Girls of Maxim gallery and was Named #70 on the Maxim "Hot 100 of 2005" list.

Allen had a recurring role on the ABC series What About Brian as Bridget, a reluctant but potential love interest for the main character Brian, played by Barry Watson. In 2007, Allen appeared in the ABC reality television series Fast Cars and Superstars: The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race, featuring a dozen celebrities in a stock car racing competition. In the first round, she matched up against skateboarder Tony Hawk and rodeo champion Ty Murray.

In addition to acting, Allen also has a t-shirt line called SuperEXellent.

Allen appeared on the second season of Denise Richards: It's Complicated which premiered on June 7, 2009.

"Sex Toy" untuk ulang tahun Lindsay Lohan yang ke 23

Lindsay Lohan akan merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-23 pada 2 Juli mendatang, Menjelang hari ulang tahunnya itu, kekasih lesbinya, Samantha Ronson, dikabarkan telah memberi kado berupa alat bantu seks alias sex toy.

Bintang film The Mean Girls itu, tampak gembira dan puas luar biasa atas pemberian kado, yang langsung diberikan Samantha.

Samantha sempat menjelaskan kepadanya, mengenai hadiah yang dijamin bisa memberikan sensasi yang luar biasa itu. Dia (Samantha) memberinya satu boks alat bantu seks yang dipilihnya sendiri. Dia menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk berbelanja barang-barang itu di pusat perbelanjaan alat seks di kawasan Hollywood.

Johnny Depp

John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II (born June 9, 1963) is an American actor known for his portrayals of offbeat, eccentric characters such as Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, Raoul Duke in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Sam in Benny & Joon.

Depp rose to prominence in a lead role on the television series 21 Jump Street and quickly became regarded as a teen idol. Uncomfortable with that characterization, he turned his focus to film roles that he felt were right. He initially came to film prominence as the titular character of Edward Scissorhands, and later found box office success in roles such as Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow, Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series and his role as the quirky Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

He has collaborated with director and close friend Tim Burton in seven films, the most recent of which include Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) and the upcoming Alice in Wonderland. Depp has garnered acclaim for his portrayals of real life figures such as Edward Wood, Jr., in Ed Wood, Joseph D. Pistone in Donnie Brasco and George Jung in Blow. He plays John Dillinger in Michael Mann's Public Enemies.

Films featuring Depp have grossed over $2.3 billion at the United States box office and over $4.8 billion worldwide. Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor three times, Screen Actors Guild Awards four times and Golden Globe Awards eight times, Depp won the Best Actor Awards from the Golden Globes for his role in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and from the Screen Actors Guild for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Public Enemies (2009)

Public Enemies is a 2009 American crime film directed by Michael Mann. Set during the Great Depression, it focuses on the true story of FBI agent Melvin Purvis's attempt to stop criminals John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Pretty Boy Floyd. The film is an adaptation of Bryan Burrough's non-fiction book Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933–34. Christian Bale plays FBI agent Purvis, Johnny Depp plays Dillinger, Marion Cotillard plays Dillinger's girlfriend Billie Frechette, Channing Tatum plays Floyd and Giovanni Ribisi plays Alvin Karpis.

The film opens in 1933 as John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) is brought to the Indiana State Prison by his partner John "Red" Hamilton (Jason Clarke), under the disguise of a prisoner drop. Dillinger and Hamilton overpower several guards and free members of their gang including Charles Makley (Christian Stolte) and Harry Pierpont (David Wenham). The jailbreak goes off without a hitch, until gang member Ed Shouse (Michael Vieau) beats a guard to death. A shootout ensues as the gang makes its getaway. Dillinger's friend and mentor Walter Dietrich (James Russo) is killed, and a furious Dillinger kicks Shouse out of the car. The rest of the gang retreats to a farm house hideout, where crooked Chicago cop Martin Zarkovich (John Michael Bolger) convinces them to hide out in Chicago, where they can be sheltered by the Mafia.

In East Liverpool, Ohio, Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) and several other FBI agents are running down Pretty Boy Floyd (Channing Tatum). Purvis kills Floyd and is promoted by J. Edgar Hoover (Billy Crudup), who is struggling to expand his Bureau into a national police agency, to lead the hunt for John Dillinger, declaring the first national "War on Crime."

In between a series of bank robberies, Dillinger meets Billie Frechette (Marion Cotillard), his love interest, at a restaurant, and proceeds to woo her by buying her a fur coat. Frechette falls for Dillinger even after he tells her who he is, and the two quickly become inseperable.

Melvin Purvis leads a failed ambush at a hotel where he believes Dillinger is staying. An agent is shot and killed by the occupant. After the man escapes, Purvis realizes the killer wasn't Dillinger but Baby Face Nelson (Stephen Graham). After this incident, Purvis demands that Hoover bring in professional lawmen who know how to catch criminals dead or alive, including Texas "cowboy" Charles Winstead (Stephen Lang).

Police finally find Dillinger and arrest him and his gang in Tucson. Dillinger is extradited back to Indiana where he is locked up pending trial. Dillinger and a few inmates escape. Dillinger is unable to see Frechette, who is under tight surveillance. Dillinger learns that Frank Nitti's (Bill Camp) Chicago Outfit associates are now unwilling to help him; Dillinger's crimes are motivating the U.S. government to begin prosecuting interstate crime, which imperils Nitti's lucrative bookmaking racket.

Later, Dillinger meets fellow bank robber Tommy Carroll (Spencer Garrett) in a movie theater; with him is Ed Shouse, who wants to rejoin the gang. Carroll goads Dillinger into a bank robbery job in Sioux Falls, promising a huge score. Even though Baby Face Nelson is involved, whom he doesn't like, Dillinger agrees. A shootout (triggered by Nelson shooting a cop outside the bank) occurs in which Dillinger is shot in the arm, and Carroll is shot and left for dead. They retreat to Nelson's wilderness lodge hideout at Little Bohemia, where Dillinger's wounds are treated; the gang is disappointed to find that their haul is only a fraction of what they expected. Dillinger expresses hope he can free the rest of his gang still in prison, including Pierpont and Makley, but Red convinces him this is unlikely to happen.

Purvis and his men apprehend Carroll (who is still alive) and torture him to find the rest of the gang's location. They arrive at Little Bohemia and Purvis organizes another failed ambush, in which several civilians are killed in the cross-fire. Dillinger and Red escape separately from Nelson and the rest of the gang. Agents Winstead and Hurt (Don Frye) pursue Dillinger and Hamilton through the woods on foot, engaging them in a running gun battle in which Red is shot and fatally wounded. Trying to escape along the road, Nelson, Shouse and Homer Van Meter (Stephen Dorff) hijack an FBI car, killing several agents in the process, including Purvis's partner Carter Baum (Rory Cochran). After a car chase, Purvis and his men kill Nelson and the rest of the gang. Further down the road, Dillinger and Hamilton steal a farmer's car and make good their escape; Hamilton dies later that night and Dillinger buries his body, covering it in lye.

Dillinger manages to meet Frechette, telling her he plans to do one last job that will pay enough for them to escape together. However, Dillinger drops her off at a hotel he thinks is safe and helplessly watches as she is captured. An interrogator, Agent Reinecke (Adam Mucci) viciously beats Frechette to learn Dillinger's whereabouts, but she refuses to talk; Purvis and Winstead arrive and angrily break up the interrogation. Meanwhile, Dillinger is meeting with Alvin Karpis (Giovanni Ribisi), who tries to recruit a disinterested Dillinger in a train robbery with his associates, the Barker Gang. Dillinger receives a note from Billie through his lawyer, Louis Piquet (Peter Gerety), telling him not to try and break her out of jail.

Through crooked cop Zarkovich, Purvis enlists the help of madam and Dillinger acquaintance Anna Sage (Branka Katic), threatening her with deportation if she is not cooperative. She agrees to set up Dillinger, who is hiding with Sage.

That night Dillinger and Sage see a Clark Gable movie called Manhattan Melodrama at the Biograph Theater. When the movie is over, Dillinger and the women leave as Purvis move in. Dillinger spots the police and is shot several times before he can draw his gun. Agent Winstead, who fired the fatal shot, listens to Dillinger's last words.

Later, Winstead meets Frechette in prison. He tells her that Dillinger's dying words were "Tell Billie for me, 'Bye bye Blackbird.'" The closing text reveals that Melvin Purvis quit the FBI shortly afterwards and died by his own hand in 1960, and that Billie lived out of the rest of her life in Wisconsin following her release in 1936.

Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Wow... Sexy.. Baby


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scroll down...
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Wow... !!

Zivanna Letisha Siregar

Zivanna Letisha Siregar

Zivanna Letisha Siregar yang akrab dengan panggilan Zizi adalah wakil dari Provinsi Jakarta yang terpilih sebagai Puteri Indonesia 2008.

Dara kelahiran Jakarta, 16 Februari 1989 ini menyisihkan Ayu Diandra Sari (Bali) yang menjadi Runner-up I (Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan) 2008 dan Anggi Mahesti (DI Yogyakarta) yang menjadi Runner-up II (Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata) 2008.

Mahasiswi Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Depok, angkatan 2007 ini mewakili Indonesia di ajang Miss Universe 2009. Berdasarkan vasil voting ia di faforitkan menang di ajang tersebut bersaing ketat dengan Miss Vietnam, Huang yen Vo.

Sebelum menjadi Puteri Indonesia 2008, ia juga memenangkan ajang Elite Model Look 2006.

Puteri Indonesia, Rating Tertinggi Miss Universe 2009

Zivanna Letisha Siregar Miss UniversePuteri Indonesia 2008 Zivanna Letisha Siregar difavoritkan menang di ajang Miss Universe 2009. Berdasarkan hasil voting hingga 23 Juli 2009 di situs resmi Miss Universe, Zizi, sapaan akrabnya, berada di posisi pertama sebagai puteri yang diunggulkan memakai mahkota Miss Universe. Dalam polling Zizi, bersaing ketat dengan Miss Vietnam, Hoang Yen Vo.

Miss Universe 2009 akan digelar di Bahama, 23 Agustus 2009. Zizi akan berangkat ke pulau yang berpenduduk sekitar 330 ribu orang itu pada 2 Agustus 2009.

Sama seperti para pendahulunya, Zizi pun berharap bisa menang di ajang Miss Universe 2009. Ia meminta dukungan pada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia agar dirinya bisa menjadi orang pertama yang memakai mahkota Miss Universe.

Bali named the world's best island 2009

Tourism magazine Travel and Leisure has named Bali as the best island in the world 2009, against the backdrop of the recent twin bombings of the JW Marriot and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta last Friday (July 17, 2009). The magazine surveyed its readers between Jan. 15 and Mar. 29 2009. In the survey, the respondents were asked to comment on the islands' natural attractions, activities, people and food.

Bali beat out nine other islands; the Galapagos in Ecuador, Cape Breton in Canada, Kauai in Hawaii, Mount Desert in the United States, Maui in Hawaii, the Aeolian in Greece, the Maldives, Big and Vancouver which were also nominated for the title.

Bali Tourism Board head Ida Bagus Ngurah Wijaya said Tuesday he hoped the victory would be further proof that Bali was a favorite tourism destination.

Bali previously won the honor in 2006.

Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

Voldemort is tightening his grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds and Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it once was. Harry suspects that dangers may even lie within the castle, but Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final battle that he knows is fast approaching. Together they work to find the key to unlock Voldemort's defenses and, to this end, Dumbledore recruits his old friend and colleague, the well-connected and unsuspecting bon vivant Professor Horace Slughorn, whom he believes holds crucial information. Meanwhile, the students are under attack from a very different adversary as teenage hormones rage across the ramparts. Harry finds himself more and more drawn to Ginny, but so is Dean Thomas. And Lavender Brown has decided that Ron is the one for her, only she hadn't counted on Romilda Vane's chocolates! And then there's Hermione, simmering with jealousy but determined not to show her feelings. As romance blossoms, one student remains aloof. He is determined to make his mark, albeit a dark one. Love is in the air, but tragedy lies ahead and Hogwarts may never be the same again.


Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979 – August 25, 2001), who performed under the mononym Aaliyah (pronounced /əˈliːə/), was an American recording artist, actress and model. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was raised in Detroit, Michigan. At an early age, she appeared on Star Search and performed in concert alongside Gladys Knight. At age 12, Aaliyah was signed to Jive Records and Blackground Records by her uncle, Barry Hankerson. He introduced her to R. Kelly, who became her mentor, as well as lead songwriter and producer of her debut album. Age Ain't Nothing But a Number sold two million copies in the United States and was certified double Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). After facing allegations of an illegal marriage with Kelly, Aaliyah ended her contract with Jive and signed to Atlantic Records.

Aaliyah worked with record producers Timbaland and Missy Elliott for her second album, One in a Million, which sold two million copies in the United States and over eight million copies worldwide. In 2000, Aaliyah appeared in her first major film, Romeo Must Die. She also contributed to the film's soundtrack, where "Try Again" was released as a single. The song topped the Billboard Hot 100 solely on radio airplay, making Aaliyah the first artist in Billboard history to achieve this feat. "Try Again" earned Aaliyah a Grammy Award nomination for Best Female R&B Vocalist.

After filming Romeo Must Die, Aaliyah filmed her part in Queen of the Damned. She released her third and final album, Aaliyah, in 2001. On August 25, 2001, Aaliyah and eight others were killed in an airplane crash in The Bahamas after filming the music video for the single "Rock the Boat". The pilot, Luis Morales III, was unlicensed at the time of the accident and had traces of cocaine and alcohol in his system. Aaliyah's family later filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Blackhawk International Airways, which was settled out of court. Since then, Aaliyah has achieved commercial success with several posthumous releases. Selling over 24 million albums worldwide, she has been credited for helping redefine R&B and hip hop and has been named the "Queen of Urban Pop".

George Clooney

George Timothy Clooney (born May 6, 1961) is an American actor, director, producer and screenwriter. Clooney has balanced his performances in big-budget blockbusters with work as a producer and director behind commercially riskier projects, as well as social and liberal political activism. On January 31, 2008, the United Nations named Clooney a "Messenger of Peace."

Clooney was born in Lexington, Kentucky. His mother, Nina Bruce (née Warren), was a former pageant queen, while his father, Nick, is a journalist, anchorman, game show and American Movie Classics host, and an aspiring politician from the state of Kentucky. Clooney is of Irish and German descent. He has an older sister, Adelia (aka Ada) and his cousins include actors Miguel and Rafael Ferrer, who are the sons of his aunt, singer Rosemary Clooney, and actor José Ferrer. He is also related to another singer, Debby Boone, who married José and Rosemary's son, Gabriel Ferrer. From an early age, Clooney would hang around his father's sets, often participating in shows, where he proved to be a crowd favorite.

Clooney began his education at the Blessed Sacrament School in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. Spending part of his childhood in Ohio, he attended St. Michael's School in Columbus, St. Susanna School in Mason, Ohio.

In middle school, Clooney developed Bell's palsy, a debilitating condition that partially paralyzes the face. While suffering from the malady—it went away within a year—his left eye closed and he was unable to eat or drink properly, earning the nickname Frankenstein. "That was the worst time of my life," he told the Mirror in 2003. "You know how cruel kids can be. I was mocked and taunted, but the experience made me stronger." In 2004, Clooney injured himself on Syriana's set during a torture scene. He had some excruciating headaches and suffered short term memory loss. It took a few weeks for his doctors to find the reasons for his health problems. During The Good German's promotion (two years afterwards), he revealed that he still had to wear a back brace due to this injury.

His parents eventually moved to Augusta, Kentucky. He went to Augusta High School. Clooney has stated that he earned all As and a B in school, and was an enthusiastic baseball and basketball player. He had considered a career in Law at this time, but later retracted. He tried out with the Cincinnati Reds in 1977 to play professional baseball, but was not offered a contract. He did not pass the first round of player cuts. He attended Northern Kentucky University from 1979 to 1981 and, very briefly, the University of Cincinnati, but did not graduate from either.

Early roles

His first major role came in 1984 in the sitcom E/R. It should not be confused with ER, which Clooney more famously starred in a decade later. Additionally, he played a handyman on the series The Facts of Life. He played Bobby the detective on one episode of The Golden Girls. His first significant break was a semi-regular supporting role in the sitcom Roseanne, playing Roseanne Barr's overbearing boss Booker Brooks, followed by the role of a construction worker on Baby Talk and then as a sexy detective on Sisters. In 1988, Clooney also played a minor role in Return of the Killer Tomatoes.

Initial success

Clooney achieved stardom when he was selected to play Dr. Doug Ross on the hit NBC drama ER from 1994 to 1999 and returned for a guest spot in the show's 15th and final season. Clooney was also partnered with Deborah Leoni in their production company Mirador Entertainment.

Prior to his success on ER, he met Grant Heslov, a later close friend with whom he co-wrote Good Night, and Good Luck. Clooney said in an interview that he was driving an RV through the country with Heslov, who, at the time, was getting over a broken engagement, when he got a phone call from his agent telling him that NBC just picked up ER for a full season. Clooney said, "Acting is not my life; acting does control me, but acting is what leads me."

Clooney started in movies while appearing in ER, his first major Hollywood role being From Dusk till Dawn, directed by Robert Rodriguez. He followed its success with One Fine Day with Michelle Pfeiffer and The Peacemaker with Nicole Kidman, the latter being the initial feature length release from Dreamworks SKG studio. Clooney was then cast as the new Batman (succeeding Val Kilmer, who in turn, had succeeded Michael Keaton) in Batman & Robin, which was a box office success, but a critical failure. In 1998, he starred in Out of Sight, opposite Jennifer Lopez. This was the first of many collaborations with director Steven Soderbergh. He also starred in Three Kings during the last weeks of his contract with ER.

In 1999, George Clooney left the cast of ER to pursue his film career full-time. However, in 2009, Clooney returned to ER for one episode during its 15th and final season.

Movie career

After leaving ER, George Clooney starred in major Hollywood successes, such as The Perfect Storm and O Brother, Where Art Thou?. In 2001, he teamed up with Soderbergh again for Ocean's Eleven, a remake of the 1960s Rat Pack film of the same name. To this day, it remains Clooney's most commercially successful movie, earning approximately US$444,200,000 worldwide. The film spawned two sequels starring Clooney, Ocean's Twelve in 2004 and Ocean's Thirteen in 2007. In 2001, Clooney founded the production studio Section Eight with Steven Soderbergh. Clooney is generally considered Chief Actor.

He made his directorial debut in the 2002 film Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, an adaptation of the autobiography of TV producer Chuck Barris. Though the movie didn't do well at the box office, Clooney's direction was praised among critics and audiences alike.

In 2005, Clooney starred in Syriana, which was based loosely on former Central Intelligence Agency agent Robert Baer and his memoirs of being an agent in the Middle East. The same year he directed, produced, and starred in Good Night, and Good Luck., a film about 1950s television journalist Edward R. Murrow's famous war of words with Senator Joseph McCarthy. Both films received critical acclaim and decent box-office returns despite being in limited release. At the 2006 Academy Awards, Clooney was nominated for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for Good Night, and Good Luck, as well as Best Supporting Actor for Syriana. He became the first person in Oscar history to be nominated for directing one movie and acting in another in the same year. He would go on to win for his role in Syriana.

It was reported on April 4, 2008 in Variety that Clooney had quietly resigned from the Writers Guild of America over controversy surrounding Leatherheads. Clooney, who is the director, producer, and star of the film, stated that he had contributed in writing, "all but two scenes," of the film and requested a writing credit, alongside Duncan Brantley and Rick Reilly, who had been working on the project for 17 years. In an arbitration vote, Clooney lost 2-1 and ultimately decided to withdraw from the union over the decision. Clooney is now technically a "financial core status" nonmember, meaning he loses his voting rights, and cannot run for office or attend membership meetings, according to the WGA's constitution. He must continue to pay his dues, but gets a break on "non-germane" WGA activities, such as political and lobbying efforts. His decision is also irrevocable. Beforehand, Clooney was an active member of the WGA, even receiving an Academy Award-nomination for writing Good Night and Good Luck. He is currently writing two screenplays with Grant Heslov.

Clooney appeared in The Good German, a film-noir directed by Soderbergh. The film is set in post-World War II Germany.

Clooney also received the American Cinematheque Award in October 2006, an award that honors an artist in the entertainment industry who has made "a significant contribution to the art of motion pictures". On January 22, 2008, Clooney was nominated for Best Actor for his role in Michael Clayton, but lost to Daniel Day-Lewis for There Will Be Blood.

After the success of Good Night, and Good Luck, Clooney said he planned to devote more of his energy to directing. He said that the directing industry is "a great industry to grow old in." Clooney directed the film Leatherheads, in which he also stars.

Clooney is self-deprecating in interviews, telling STV in April 2008 that Leatherheads, one of his lightest movies, is a "cry for peace." In the same interview, when asked about reconciling George Clooney the actor and George Clooney the director, he said "there's a lot of ego there... so I just take it out on the actors."

Clooney is currently working on his next project, Men Who Stare At Goats, which is being directed by his best pal Grant Heslov and is set for release in 2010. Ewan McGregor and Kevin Spacey have also signed on to star. Another project Clooney has signed on for is Up in the Air which is set for a 2009 release. It is being directed by Juno director Jason Reitman.

Clooney is represented by Bryan Lourd, Co-Chairman of Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

Other ventures

South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, invited Clooney to play a role in the show as the voice of Stan Marsh's gay dog Sparky in the episode "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride", a role with no dialogue except normal dog noises. He later appeared in the film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Despite their history, the show's creators, Parker and Stone, lampooned Clooney for his outspoken political views in their feature film Team America: World Police. However, Clooney later said that he would have been offended if he hadn't been made fun of in the film. He was also mentioned in the episode "Smug Alert!", which mocks his acceptance speech at the 78th Academy Awards.

On July 8, 2005, news reports said that Clooney would be working with Cindy Crawford's husband Rande Gerber to design and build a new casino hotel in Las Vegas. On August 29, the same year, Clooney officially announced his involvement with the Las Ramblas Resort project. However, the project never came to fruition, and the property on which the resort was to be built was sold in June 2006.

After serving as pitchman outside the US for products like Fiat and Martini vermouth, Clooney lent his voice to a series of Budweiser ads beginning in 2005 (which were still running as of September 2007). In September 2007, Clooney defended his work when asked by an Italian journalist how he reconciled working in a Nestle advertisement for Nespresso with his criticism of multinational companies.

In August 2006, Clooney and Grant Heslov started a new company: Smokehouse Pictures. Heslov was the president of television at Section Eight Productions, Clooney and director Steven Soderbergh's production company.

Clooney is creating and producing a television series for Showtime titled The Fall of Bob. The Fall of Bob is a half-hour, single-camera black comedy-drama about a man who is committing suicide while a lengthy flashback occurs of what happened before his death.

Clooney is one of only two people to have been given the title of "Sexiest Man Alive" twice by People Magazine, first in 1997 and again in 2006.

In July 2008, George Clooney was declared the worst Batman portrayed onscreen. "Batman should be obsessed and blindered but Clooney is all cool, ironic detachment and self-awareness." No comment has been heard from the actor. However, he has publicly criticized his own portrayal of Batman several times.

Sharon Stone

Sharon Yvonne Stone (born March 10, 1958) is an American actress, film producer, and former fashion model. She first achieved international recognition for her performance in the erotic thriller Basic Instinct. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress and won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama for her role in Casino. Stone also has diabetes.

Stone won the title of Miss Crawford County in Meadville. One of the pageant judges said she should quit school and move to New York City to become a fashion model. When her mother heard this, she agreed, and, in 1977 Stone left Meadville, moving in with an aunt in New Jersey. Within four days of her arrival in New Jersey, she was signed by Ford Modeling Agency in New York. After signing with Ford, Stone spent a few years modeling and appeared in TV commercials for Burger King, Clairol and Maybelline.

While living in Europe, she decided to quit modeling and become an actress. "So I packed my bags, moved back to New York, and stood in line to be an extra in a Woody Allen movie," she later recalled. While auditioning, she met Michelle Pfeiffer, who recognized her from the pageant she competed in, and the two became friends. Stone was cast for a brief but memorable role in Allen's Stardust Memories (1980), and then had a speaking part a year later in the horror movie Deadly Blessing (1981). When French director Claude Lelouch saw Stone in Stardust Memories, he was so impressed that he cast her in Les Uns et Les Autres (1982) starring James Caan. She was only on screen for two minutes and did not appear in the credits.

Her next role was in Irreconcilable Differences (1984), starring Ryan O'Neal, Shelley Long, and a young Drew Barrymore. Stone plays a starlet who breaks up the marriage of a successful director and his screenwriter wife. The story was based on the real-life experience of director Peter Bogdanovich, his set designer wife Polly Platt and Cybill Shepherd, who as a young actress had starred in Bogdanovich's The Last Picture Show (1971), which co-starred Stone's mother-in-law Cloris Leachman and won her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. The highlight of Stone's performance is when her cocaine-addict character plays Scarlett O'Hara in a musical pitched as a remake of Gone with the Wind.

Through the rest of the 1980s she appeared in Action Jackson (1988), King Solomon's Mines (1985) and Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold (1987). She was nominated for a Razzie Award for Worst Actress for her performance in Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold. She also played the wife of Steven Seagal's character in Above the Law (1988). She appeared in a two-part episode of Magnum, P.I., titled "Echoes of the Mind", where she played identical twins, one a love interest of Tom Selleck's character.

Her appearance in Total Recall (1990) with Arnold Schwarzenegger gave Stone's career a jolt. To coincide with the movie's release, she posed nude for Playboy, showing off the muscles she developed in preparation for the movie (she lifted weights and learned Tae Kwon Do). In 1999, she was rated among the 25 sexiest stars of the century by Playboy.
Sharon Stone in France, 1991

The role that made her a star was that of Catherine Tramell, a brilliant, bisexual serial killer, in Basic Instinct (1992). Stone had to wait and actually turned down offers for the mere prospect to play Tramell (the part was offered to 13 other actresses and considered to 150 women before being offered to Stone). Several better known actresses of the time such as Geena Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Meg Ryan, Melanie Griffith, Kelly Lynch and Julia Roberts turned down the part mostly because of the nudity required. In the movie’s most notorious scene, Tramell is being questioned by the police and she crosses and uncrosses her legs, revealing the fact she was not wearing any underwear. According to Stone, upon seeing her own vulva in the leg-crossing scene during a screening of the film, she went into the projection booth and slapped director Paul Verhoeven.

Stone claimed that although she agreed to film the flashing scene with no panties, and although she and Verhoeven had discussed the scene from the beginning of production, she was unaware just how explicit the infamous shot would be. She said, "I knew that we were going to do this leg-crossing thing and I knew that we were going to allude to the concept that I was nude, but I did not think that you would see my vagina in the scene. Later, when I saw it in the screening I was shocked. I think seeing it in a room full of strangers was so disrespectful and so shocking, so I went into the booth and slapped him and left."

Despite this, she claimed in an earlier interview that "it was so fun" watching the film for the first time with strangers. Verhoeven has denied all claims of trickery and said, "As much as I love her, I hate her too, especially after the lies she told the press about the shot between her legs, which was a straight lie". Screenwriter Joe Eszterhas, who later befriended the actress, also claimed the actress was fully aware of the level of nudity involved in his memoir, Hollywood Animal.

Following this film, she was listed by People as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.

In 1992, photographer George Hurrell took a series of photographs of Stone, Sherilyn Fenn, Julian Sands, Raquel Welch, Eric Roberts and Sean Penn. In these portraits he recreated his style of the 1930s, with the actors posing in costumes, hairstyle and makeup of the period.

Stone's stardom was such that she received top billing over Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio when cast as a gunslinger for Sam Raimi's 1995 western The Quick and the Dead.

In November 1995, Stone received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, located at 6925 Hollywood Blvd. That same year, Empire chose her as one of the 100 sexiest stars in film history. In October 1997, she was ranked among the top 100 movie stars of all time by Empire.

In 1995, she received a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Dramatic Motion Picture for her role as "Ginger" in Martin Scorsese's Casino opposite Robert De Niro. She also earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress for the role.

In 2001, Stone was linked to a biopic of the German film director Leni Riefenstahl. The prospective director Paul Verhoeven and Riefenstahl herself favoured Stone to portray Riefenstahl in the film. According to Verhoeven, he discussed the project with Stone and she was very interested. Subsequently, Verhoeven pulled out of the project as he wanted to hire a more expensive screenwriter than the producers did.

Stone was hospitalized in late 2001 for a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which was diagnosed as a vertebral artery dissection rather than the more common ruptured aneurysm, and treated with an endovascular coil embolization.

Stone starred opposite actress Ellen DeGeneres in the 2001 HBO movie If These Walls Could Talk 2, in which she played a lesbian trying to start a family. In 2003, she appeared in three episodes from the eighth season of The Practice. For her performances, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series.

Stone attempted a return to the mainstream with a role in the film Catwoman (2004); however, the film was a critical and commercial flop.

After years of litigation, Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction was released on March 31, 2006. A reason for a long delay in releasing the film was reportedly Stone's dispute with the filmmakers over the nudity in the movie; she wanted more, while they wanted less. A group sex scene was cut in order to achieve an R rating from the MPAA for the U.S. release; the controversial scene remained in the U.K. version of the London-based film. Stone told an interviewer, "We are in a time of odd repression and if a popcorn movie allows us to create a platform for discussion, wouldn't that be great?"

Despite an estimated budget of $70 million, it placed only 10th in gross on its debut weekend with a meager $3,200,000, and was subsequently declared a bomb. It ultimately ran in theaters for only 17 days and finished with a total domestic gross of under $6 million. Despite the failure of Basic Instinct 2, Stone has said that she would love to direct and act in a third Basic Instinct film.

She appeared in the drama Alpha Dog opposite Bruce Willis, playing Olivia Mazursky, the mother of a real-life murder victim. Stone wore a fatsuit for the role. In February 2007, Stone found her role as a clinically depressed woman in her latest film, When a Man Falls in the Forest, uplifting, as it challenged what she called "Prozac society." "It was a watershed experience," she said. "I think that we live in a... Prozac society where we're always told we're supposed to have this kind of equilibrium of emotion. We have all these assignments about how we're supposed to feel about something."

In December 2006, she co hosted the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway together with Anjelica Huston. The concert was in honor of the Nobel Peace Prize winners Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank.